SolidarityWorks Fellowship

The SolidarityWorks Fellowship empowers organizers to create cultural transformation in their communities. Fellows will learn best practices about a solidarity economy project and incubate this mobilizing resource into their communities, with the help of Shareable and our ecosystem of support.

Application Deadline: September 1st

The social project of focus for our inaugural SolidarityWorks Fellowship is Library of Things (2023-2024).

Theory of Change

We have a goal to empower culture bearers and change makers to create social resources that meet the needs and passions of people in their communities.  

Learn more about how a library of things can be an avenue of change for communities.

The Ecosystem

Our dream team of abolitionists, educators, organizers, and culture bearers work together to develop a deep support system to guide our fellows through the process of incubating a library of things in their communities.

Fellowship Outcomes

Fellows will develop a series of skills to cultivate and embrace solidarity economies in their communities. Through our learning series, fellows will learn a set of practices around library of things sustainability, resilient culture building, and project development.

Fellowship Schedule

This fellowship will consist of monthly workshops, office hours and lecture series. Fellows will also create a personal schedule to hold internal team meetings and fundraising events.


If you have a question that you don’t see answered anywhere on this site, please email our interim executive director, Tom, at

SolidarityWorks Fellowship

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