Theory of Change

Our goal is to cultivate creative solutions with change-makers across the country. Libraries of things create an avenue for social change to take hold, and take root.

Library of Things: A Cornerstone of the Real Sharing Economy

Libraries of things can make a transformative impact for communities nationwide.

The fundamental objective of this inaugural project is to create a multitude of avenues for change to happen in communities that have been most exploited by class oppression, marginalized by landscape, racial discrimination and unjust legislations. Libraries of things create new avenues for access by encouraging communities to share resources, insight and resilience.  

Here are some of the core objectives that our fellows will explore to make a transformative impact for their communities.

Reduce Waste

Fellows will create sustainable solutions, through their LoTs, to mitigate economic and climate disasters caused by consumerism and waste production.

Increase Access

Class oppression causes economic strife in the lives of communities nationwide. Fellows will create a space for communities to access vital resources to sustain livelihoods and support passions.

Building Community

Fellows will learn how to develop and launch new social infrastructure, lead team meetings and embrace a value of communal resilience and solidarity.

Create Culture

Fellows will create a rhythm of care and a practice of mutual aid to invest in the wellbeing of our collective futures.


Fellows will learn the fundamentals of building a budget and pathway to sustainability through a solidarity economy.

SolidarityWorks Fellowship

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